001. Real name: wong sze yie
002. Nickname(s): C.E / Feii Muii Zaii ^^
003. Age: 17
004. Horoscope: Sagittur
005. Male or Female: female lorh..
006. Elementary: SJK (C) SAN YUK
007. Middle School: SMK Semekar
008. High School: SMK Semekar
009. College school: -
010. Hair colour: black
011. Long or short: long^^
012. Loud or Quiet: i'm loud ~
013. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
014. Phone or Camera: Phone
015. Health freak: Erk..don't know..
016. Drink or Smoke: Drink
017. Do you have a crush on someone: yupe~
018. Eat or Drink: Both =D
019. Piercings: Yes
020. Tattoos: Nope
021. Social or Anti-Social: Social
022. Right or Left: Left
023. First piercing: forget already >.<" 024. First relationship: =x 025. First Best Friend: too many..keke 026. First Award: forget ad 027. First Kiss: =x 028. First Pet: no 029. First Big Vacation: dun hv larh.. 030. First Love at First Sight: secret..haha 031. First Big Birthday: no arh! 032. First Surgery: dun hv.. 033. First sport you joined: forget again~=.= 034. Orange or Apple Juice: Both : ) 035. Rock or Rap: Rock 036. Country or Scream: Country 037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: Backstreet Boys 038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: Britney spears 039. Night or Day: Night 040. Sun or Moon: Moon 041. TV or Internet: Both xD 042. PlayStation or xbox: PlayStation 043. Kiss or hug: Hug =D 044. Iguana or turtle: Turtle 045. Spider or bee: none ! 046. Fall or spring: Spring 047. Limewire or iTunes: iTunes 048. Soccer or baseball: Soccer 049. Eating: Yes 050. Drinking: Yes 051. Excitement level: 100%+++ keke 052. I'm about to: ermm..don't know leh.. 053. Listening to: ?? 054. Plan for today: No...=X 055. Waiting for: gt many many thing>.<'
056. Energy level: High??
057. Thinking of someone: yupe
058. Want kids: future thing..
059. Want to get married: Future thing~keke
060. When: dunneo..
061. How many kids do you want: h0w i neo..
062. Any name in mind: Nope
063. What did you want to be when you were little: airline hostess =X
064. Careers in mind: don't know
065. Mellow future or wild: Mellow future
066. Something you would never try: smoke,ml@@ =.=
067. When do you want to die: go to be a god xD
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
069. Romantic or Funny: 50%Romantic 50% Funny
070. Shorter or Taller: Of course taller larh~
071. Protective or Caring: Both
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: Romantis~haha..
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: Both
074. Sensitive or Loud: none!
075. Hooked-up or Relationship: Relationship
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant: none
077. Muscular or Normal: Normal
078. Kissed a stranger: Nope
079. Broken a bone: no larh~
080. Lost glasses or contacts: nonono..
081. Ran away from home: IF CAN ~I WILL~
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense: no lARh~
083. Killed somebody: nono..
084. Broken someone's heart: don't know..
085. Had your heart broken: confused
086. Been arrested: Never
087. Cried when someone died: no..
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: yes~~
089. Yourself: yessss.....
090. Miracles: yes
091. Love at first sight: dont know
092. Heaven: after i died
093. Santa Claus: dun believe..but love..=X
094. Tooth fairy: dont know
095. Kiss in the first date: nope
096. Angels: ya??
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: erm..dont know
098. Happy with where you're in life now?: confused too:(
099. Do you believe in God?: yea !
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 6 people
1. Susan loo
2. toto
3. e-quen
4. jeremy
5. muimui
6. uncle eddie
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Bad luck~SHIT TEACHER!!!
i come n update my blog agains(wakaka)
2day morning, when 6.00 o'clock ++ i wake up, after that prepare my thing n then go to dry the clothes,after dry the clothes ,oso 7.15 a.m++ ad, so is time go to skol ad,like normal life working go to skol~
But i think 2day i bad luck coz i late reach skol ,then pengawas take my names,after that go to my frens class chatting a while,suddenly have a report say: All of tis skol girl student pls come to tapak perhimpunan!
Then me n my gang is KRS n KRS just have 8 chinese girl (but oso have malay gal lah) then sya about a camp.(shit,camp wor)...
Then say 3day2nite at skol price just RM 20!!!( WAH,so cheap rite??!!)
BUT anywhere is free or wat we oso not join coz all is malay student,then the teacher say chinese gal ur must join it,we all say :HAR!!! why o??!! we say dunwan,no money n many reason,she oso dunwan listen, then she call me a lot of frens write names at the A4 paper there,what up o??
TERPAKSA we all wor~ ( go die)
SHE(teacher) say if ur write name ad must come(but u terpaksa we all write wan ) if did have come,ur jaga-jaga!! SHIT TERPAKSA kami mari,lagi terpaksa kami tulis nama,if did have come n join it will hukum we all o~(fuck)
thEn i call my frens delete my name,then she all delete it (just delete chinese student geh),after tats o, then teacher catch we all n tell cikgu displin say we wanna lawan.HAR,WATS UP O??!!
we just standing there she say we all lawan,tis teacher so geng !!!
this teacher o, u noe she take wat handbag or not: (LV) wor, but saw oso noe is tipu wan~Aiyo,not really LV pls don't show off lah,n she oso dunwan cut the jenama,still keep at the bag there(so laughing,wakaka)
IF is real LV the jenama of bag did have like tat wan,is a letter geh,coz my mum buy be4.(haha)
Ok oK come back,then o,she call we all write names agains say when ur form 5 graduate dunwan give we all sijil ,then my frens say : I DUN CARE!(wah, so geng) BUT I SO CARE U NOE?! Then teacher tell me just join lah,dun do until too many masalah displin,n say we like a bitch(SHIT)
after tats, we go back class n continue study time agains!!!
pls PlS pls!!!!
let me go away pls!!
i dunwan join the camp(a lot of is malay,can say 98% is malay)
wat should i do??
i noe i never go the camp ad~
but when after form 5 i did have the SIJIL!!!
And tis saturday i will company my babe go frens birthday party! if i did have go tis party,i wif my bab less meet ad,n iless company he coz i cannot go out n no free!!
sory babe, pls forgive!!
suffering too~
C.E ~
i come n update my blog agains(wakaka)
2day morning, when 6.00 o'clock ++ i wake up, after that prepare my thing n then go to dry the clothes,after dry the clothes ,oso 7.15 a.m++ ad, so is time go to skol ad,like normal life working go to skol~
But i think 2day i bad luck coz i late reach skol ,then pengawas take my names,after that go to my frens class chatting a while,suddenly have a report say: All of tis skol girl student pls come to tapak perhimpunan!
Then we think is sportcheck ,we all frens keep all the fon,then go to tapak perhimpunan lolx,after all of tis skol girl student oso come ad,then teacher arrange we all ,kadet polis,KRS,bomba al beratur dengan masing-masing~
Then me n my gang is KRS n KRS just have 8 chinese girl (but oso have malay gal lah) then sya about a camp.(shit,camp wor)...
Then say 3day2nite at skol price just RM 20!!!( WAH,so cheap rite??!!)
BUT anywhere is free or wat we oso not join coz all is malay student,then the teacher say chinese gal ur must join it,we all say :HAR!!! why o??!! we say dunwan,no money n many reason,she oso dunwan listen, then she call me a lot of frens write names at the A4 paper there,what up o??
TERPAKSA we all wor~ ( go die)
SHE(teacher) say if ur write name ad must come(but u terpaksa we all write wan ) if did have come,ur jaga-jaga!! SHIT TERPAKSA kami mari,lagi terpaksa kami tulis nama,if did have come n join it will hukum we all o~(fuck)
thEn i call my frens delete my name,then she all delete it (just delete chinese student geh),after tats o, then teacher catch we all n tell cikgu displin say we wanna lawan.HAR,WATS UP O??!!
we just standing there she say we all lawan,tis teacher so geng !!!
this teacher o, u noe she take wat handbag or not: (LV) wor, but saw oso noe is tipu wan~Aiyo,not really LV pls don't show off lah,n she oso dunwan cut the jenama,still keep at the bag there(so laughing,wakaka)
IF is real LV the jenama of bag did have like tat wan,is a letter geh,coz my mum buy be4.(haha)
Ok oK come back,then o,she call we all write names agains say when ur form 5 graduate dunwan give we all sijil ,then my frens say : I DUN CARE!(wah, so geng) BUT I SO CARE U NOE?! Then teacher tell me just join lah,dun do until too many masalah displin,n say we like a bitch(SHIT)
after tats, we go back class n continue study time agains!!!
pls PlS pls!!!!
let me go away pls!!
i dunwan join the camp(a lot of is malay,can say 98% is malay)
wat should i do??
i noe i never go the camp ad~
but when after form 5 i did have the SIJIL!!!
And tis saturday i will company my babe go frens birthday party! if i did have go tis party,i wif my bab less meet ad,n iless company he coz i cannot go out n no free!!
sory babe, pls forgive!!
suffering too~
C.E ~
Saturday, June 20, 2009
sorry to my blogger frens n my feeling~
I'm so sorry~
hey guys, sorry to your coz about i less update my blog~
actually dunnoe why i ntg write n sometime no free,so less blogging~
pls forgive me ya~
i will try my best ,come n blogging~
This fews days i feel hurt~
i noe i ask u geh,but anywhere oso will be jealous~if is u oso will be jealous~
but i told u really is ur EX or EX EX wanna back u~i will give back theY all~
coz i scare something wrong wif my frens~
if u still have a bit feel wif here,pls tell she,i noe she have bf~
coz i dunwan we all waste time at relationship-ing~
wanna couple,couple lolx~we cannot told many about EX~
like tats will be hurt wan~
pls pls pls~
i dun wan suffering on relationship-ing~
pls pls pls~
feel like wanna give up,but 不舍得 u (babe)~
wat should i do~??
Hope u(babe)noe my blogger is writting wat~
i noe u did touch pc oso~(but i really wan u noe in my mind is thinking wat,n on my own blog is writing my feeling~)
n pls help me confirm anything n conclusion anything~
n now i change ur look~(if u can do it,i can but it;any clothes n pants)
luv u babe~
miz u babe~
miz u hug~
dun let me suffering,coz dunnoe wat should i do~
my feeling is very down~
i'am so sorry~(suffering)
take k~
C.E a.k.a feii muii zaii~
hey guys, sorry to your coz about i less update my blog~
actually dunnoe why i ntg write n sometime no free,so less blogging~
pls forgive me ya~
i will try my best ,come n blogging~
This fews days i feel hurt~
i noe i ask u geh,but anywhere oso will be jealous~if is u oso will be jealous~
but i told u really is ur EX or EX EX wanna back u~i will give back theY all~
coz i scare something wrong wif my frens~
if u still have a bit feel wif here,pls tell she,i noe she have bf~
coz i dunwan we all waste time at relationship-ing~
wanna couple,couple lolx~we cannot told many about EX~
like tats will be hurt wan~
pls pls pls~
i dun wan suffering on relationship-ing~
pls pls pls~
feel like wanna give up,but 不舍得 u (babe)~
wat should i do~??
Hope u(babe)noe my blogger is writting wat~
i noe u did touch pc oso~(but i really wan u noe in my mind is thinking wat,n on my own blog is writing my feeling~)
n pls help me confirm anything n conclusion anything~
n now i change ur look~(if u can do it,i can but it;any clothes n pants)
luv u babe~
miz u babe~
miz u hug~
dun let me suffering,coz dunnoe wat should i do~
my feeling is very down~
i'am so sorry~(suffering)
take k~
C.E a.k.a feii muii zaii~
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Hai, holiday lolx~
Holidays 1st day 1/6/2009, i wif my mc gang go to sunway lagoon~(hapi hapi)
Holidays 1st day 1/6/2009, i wif my mc gang go to sunway lagoon~(hapi hapi)
huh, we plan until 1 month more ad,so tis trip is confirm all of mc gang member can go ad,erm mc gang have 14 person!!

when 9.00++ we started go to kl sentral by train, on the way we chat 2gether,fun 2gether n do some 38 thing n more!! After tats 10.30++ we reach at kl sentral ,then we go down there wait the rapid kl bus!! when wait time we oso take many picx ,let me show ya!!! wakaka~

After 38~

when 9.00++ we started go to kl sentral by train, on the way we chat 2gether,fun 2gether n do some 38 thing n more!! After tats 10.30++ we reach at kl sentral ,then we go down there wait the rapid kl bus!! when wait time we oso take many picx ,let me show ya!!! wakaka~
After 38~
rapid kl oso coming~then rapid kl fetch we all go to sunway lagoon,when on the way we oso have take some picx~show agains!!
After tats,we have a fun on sunway lagoon!!!......
after 6 hr++ we oso finish playing water,then we go to shower,when shower time oso take some picx~
after shower~wearing clothes ad ~take picx agains!!!
still have so many picx~more few days i will upload to friendster~
after take picx~i follow potato go to buy donut ~the donut so cute~1 box just RM 18~(so cheap)
then i belanja my mc gang eat lolx~
let me shows the picx~

after buy donut we go eat dinner at sunway pyramid~

let me shows the picx~

after buy donut we go eat dinner at sunway pyramid~
after dinner 8.10++ ,too late ad we wanna back ad~when waiting bus n taxi time~too boring n tired n have some unhappy ~

after tats,we sit taxi go to kl sentral~then back by train to rawang~
after tats,we sit taxi go to kl sentral~then back by train to rawang~
still have many picx~(lazy put it, go fs see)
when 10.00++ p.m we reach rawang ad~time for go back home~
gud memory of frens~
luv mc gang so much~
gud nitez ~
take k~
C.E aka Feii Muii Zaii~
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