Tis gal is blahjin....in my mind she is a funny guys n crazy guys...sometime like to joking and more...hope she always happy n have a wonderful day....
tis all gals n boys is my crazy geng!!!!
Tis boy is my classmate,he is a quite guys and when u start since with him u will feel he like blur blur guys,but when long time ad...he will crazy wif u...haha....
hope he can cermerlang on spm...n to be a gud guys anywhere...
All of tis is my classmate(chinese) 2009..
normal life,go to skol...then celebrate wif blahjin her birthday....
ntg special on study time.....
after finish skol,my sis call me go back home wif fast ...then i say u wan me how to fast wan me fly...haha~
when reach home,she say mummy let we all go to KL(sg.wang n Ts) u want to go or not...?
i oso blur it...(why my mum treat we so gud)
then i say dunnoe oo...
after 15min...
my sis call my mum go 2gether...
then we finish prepare it the go to ktm ...
on train..... we take some picx.....
then reach TS there we go to food and tea there eating...

OMG...i order my thing ad but did have come ....then i call the waiter come,where is my food?he say u have order?i say ya!!!
hng...mana tau my sis delete wrong number....coz my mum choose another food,then my mum call my sis delete just now tat number...MANA TAU she delete salah!!!!
we go shopping...buy some clothes,pants.....
when mum go to fitting room...we take picx agains....

Be4 back we go to kim Gary eating....

when back we have take some picx too...