haha...when friday i skip my skol...actually i want go to skol geh...but my mum oso say nonid go lah...last day ad,stay at home n helping me la...then ok lolx...just skip my skol...
Normal life wake up on 6.00...helping my grandma sell vege....until 10.00...after call my sis come n fetch me ,because redbean n monkiss calling me go to watch movie go see that "009"haha~them say 10.30 at ktm...when i reach ktm 10.45...coz i want to bath n more...after when i reach mana tau just redbean 1 person,then i ask monkiss leh,she say he did answer my fon,OMG...then i call to he house,he mum is answer ,then he mum say ur want go out with monkiss rite?... i say ya~then he go call monkiss speaking...then we ask where r u o?wat time ad o? say want go to watch movie...
He say sory my alarm is rosak,n my mum forget call me wake up...lolx....we just wait at there...
after 15min he coming ad...when we reach kepong jusco is 12.25p.m ad....that movie start on 12.30p.m we oso haven eat breakfast just run go there n buy the ticket...
Then we still want to wait sometime...when we go into cinema there,do you noe how many ppl?
less than 23...wakaka....like at house seeing ....we laughing laughing laughing until cannot stop...coz tis movie is so fun...haha
after finish is the time oso 2.45...then we go to eat sushi...We oso starting take picx hahax....

then we just eat did see the prize coz i say ur want to eat wat just eat later we share the money ok ad lolx...if pay by self will be blur wan...then we 3 person eat jor RM 63.00....WAKAKA...
After tat finish eating we go back rawang,but monkiss stay at kepong did have follow we coz he want to work at mizi shabu-shabu....
when reach home oso 5.00....redbean come to my house coz later go to playing badminton agains....
then we 7.30 go out n take bus go to playing badminton wif tomato...we just playing n laughing at the badminton court...after 9.45...redbean sis come n fetch we all go to mc meet her frens,then there chating ....after chating n eatin ,them want go to play snooker...we oso follow.....
redbean frens damn fun n crazy haha~
just skip my skol 1 day oso can go many place ...haha
i just stop at here...
C.E ~
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